12 principles of animation:
The 12 principles of animation were introduced by Disney animators, Ollie Johnston & Frank Thomas. The principles are based on the work of Disney animators from the 1930's onwards & are the basic concepts needed to produce more realistic animations.
- Squash & stretch
- Anticipation
- Staging
- Straight ahead & pose-to-pose
- Follow through & overlapping action
- Slow in / slow out
- Arc
- Secondary action
- Timing
- Exaggeration
- Solid drawing
- Appeal
10 minute studies using different principles:
Straight ahead:
Follow through, overlapping & anticipation:
Squash & stretch:
Storyboard illustrations:
6 frame storyboard illustrations from the opening of Paris, Texas (1984) by Wim Wenders
Perspective drawing:
Using 1-point & 2-point perspective grids to draw accurate & detailed illustrations
Human Figures & emotions - perspective: