Although we had a very unusual start to the course, I still feel as though I have achieved a lot and taken away as much as possible. It has been challenging working from home and not having the same interactions that would be had in a classroom environment, but I think we have all made the best of the situation.
I came into this course knowing minimal about motion graphics. I had worked strongly with visuals, design and created a variety of video projects in the past but never thought to combine them. But looking back on the first term, I’ve realised how much I’ve learnt – both academically and personally.
In the past, narrative projects have always been the most challenging for me as I’ve always struggled with generating ideas that are both original and exciting. However, I found this project to be a lot less challenging as we were given an existing storyline to work with. I enjoyed the narrative sessions as we were able to adapt the project in any way we liked, giving us chance to express our individual styles and practice different techniques – and also giving us the opportunity to combine our creative and technical skills. I am happy with the work I created towards this brief and feel as though it taught me a lot and captures my style effectively. Another aspect of the narrative unit that I liked was the visualisation sessions. I found these to be very engaging and thought Alice delivered information to us in an informative and fun way.
For me, the industry context sessions were the most insightful. Having talks from people working within the motion graphics industry, hearing their views and seeing the range of work that is being created between different companies was interesting and gave me a higher understanding of the industry and how the styles and visions differ. I also liked the brief for this unit as it allowed us to research & create a presentation about something we have a strong interest in. I enjoyed seeing the approach that other classmates took as we were able to see which aspects of motion graphics we were most drawn to and helped give a better understand of everyone’s interests and goals.
I feel as though the software training sessions we’re the most educational for me. I came into this course having worked predominately within Photoshop and Premiere Pro and had very little understanding of other programmes such as After Effects. Even from one term, I feel as though I have developed my skills greatly and am a lot more comfortable using the software and will continue to use it as much as possible in the future.
Overall, I am happy with what I have produced and taken away from this term and look forward to seeing what’s to come.